Healthy Bio Solutions

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
~Albert Einstein

About Healthy Bio Solutions​
My mission is to bring all of my education, gifts, and talents together to create an overall wellness 'synergy' in our ever changing environment.
My passion is to educate and create safe, harmonic and rejuvenating environments for my clients. Why? After working in many different environments I found that my peers, co-workers and friends were not staying healthy.
Getting to the core; it was after I starting supporting health care professionals, I noticed that after a patient returned to his work or home environment the imbalances returned. After my investigation, I found some health care professionals were missing the unseen and silent world. The world of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs); electric and magnetic fields, radio waves (RF), dirty electricity and geopathic stress.
I found that practicing as a Reiki Master/Master Teacher and using Tuning Forks for Chakra Balancing would relieve stress on the body, but not taking care of the environment, I was not getting to the core issues.
Currently, I am working towards certification in Electromagnetic & Building Biology where there goal is to create safe havens in a toxic, electromagnetic world.
Let us support you and create a harmonic environment today. Let's Talk!

"All life pulsates in time to the Earth and our artificial fields cause abnormal reactions in all organisms...Increasing electropollution could set in motion irreversible changes leading to our extinction."
~Robert Becker, MD, Author; The Body Electric
"Studies show the very damaging effects between EM Fields and diseases such as cancer, leukemia, Alzheimer's, Heart Disease, and others. Even in childhood development issues and hormone malfunction."
~Howard W. Fisher, MD,
Author; The Invisible Threat:
The Risks Associated with EMFs